Complications Of Diabetes

Diseases associated with or caused by diabetes

Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke by accelerating the development of blockage and atherosclerosis. Foods or diet that containing high density fat can work against your goal of a heart-healthy diet. When blood sugar rises, it causes a gradual build-up of fatty deposits that lead to blockage and hardening of the walls of blood vessels, increasing the chances of a stroke or heart attack. Pay attention to some of the symptoms that indicate a heart problem such as chest pain and shortness of breath, especially when exerting physical exertion or activity. The risk of heart disease increases in people who smoke or have high cholesterol levels, as well as high blood pressure.

Diabetes may cause to develop kidney failure, chronic kidney disease, and high blood pressure may also contribute to the development of the condition. Therefore, a diabetic should regularly test urine to make sure there is no kidney health problem..

Patients with diabetes, in some cases, could have difficulty of movement, which increases the likelihood of ulcers in the body.  Consequently, this leads to difficulty in healing, as diabetes causes increased bleeding and difficulty healing wounds. Therefore, contamination of these wounds could increases, which can lead to contamination of blood with bacteria and sometimes having to amputate the affected part.
Diabetes in some cases could leads to neurological disorders that called neuropathy, so when blood vessels narrow due to fatty deposits, the nerves may be damaged on the need for oxygen and food. Nerve damage may be accompanied by symptoms such as pain, numbness or tingling in the legs, feet and arms, in addition to stomach problems such as nausea, digestive age and constipation, diabetics should stay away from the wrong habits such as smoking to avoid nerve problems.
In many cases of diabetics patient could suffer from visual impairment or even loss, and there are common diseases and eye disorders that may affect the eye as a result of diabetes such as blurry vision and may lead to blurring of the lens of the eye if blurry vision is not treated. Some cases of ocular obfuscation also lead to excessive production of sorbitol and fluid in the eye, including the patient suffering from glaucoma or blue water and diseases also resulting from diabetes are diabetic retinal disease, which is a group of cells located on the back of the eye, and damage to small blood vessels or capillaries in the network of the eye due to high pressure and high glucose level leads to diabetic retinopathy